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Student Funding Application

Student Information

Parent/Guardian 1

Parent/Guardian 2 (optional)

Application Type

Attention: please complete only the section that you indicated in the previous question. Completion of both sections will disqualify your application immediately without notice

Option 1: Assistive Technology

How will this technology help the student?

Option 2: Tutoring

*We may contact your tutor to verify the enrollment of your student in their program

Funding Period

*Cannot exceed 6 months. Tutoring that has already occurred will not be funded

Funding Amount

*Requested Amount may not be granted

How will this tutoring benefit the student?

Additional Information(Optional)

Is there anything that you think we should know that would be helpful for reviewing your application?

Proof of Dyslexia

For Bright Young Dyslexics to award funding/resources, applicants must provide proof of dyslexia in the form of a copy of an evaluation or diagnosis from a qualified professional*.  Please include that below.

* If applying for tutoring, qualified professional must be independent/separate from provider of tutoring.

Upload File

*If you would like to submit a file larger than 15MB or are having trouble uploading, please email it to

Funding requests are reviewed by committee 3 times a year - February 1st,  June 1st and October 1st. Applications received after a review date will be considered at the next consecutive review date.

All committee decisions are final.

By submitting this application, you accept and agree to our terms & conditions and privacy policy. To view our terms & conditions click here. To view our privacy policy click here.

To submit this application, you must be the parent/guardian of the aforementioned student. 

Thanks for submitting! Funding requests are reviewed by committee 3 times a year - February 1st,  June 1st and October 1st. Applications received after a review date will be considered at the next consecutive review date. All committee decisions are final. If you were unable to attach Proof of Dyslexia, simply email it to:


Bright Young Dyslexics is a 501c3 non-profit supporting K-12 dyslexic students through funding for tutoring and assistive technology and raising awareness about dyslexia



905 George St. #114

De Pere, WI 54115

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